

   This leads us to a new clash between classical mechanics and the results of experiment. There must certainly be some internal motion in an atom to account for its spectrum, but the internal degrees of freedom, for some classically inexplibable reason, do not contribute to the specific heat. A similar clash is found in connexion with the energy of oscillation of the electromagnetic field in a vacuum. Classical mechanics requires the specific heat corresponding to this energy to be infinite, but it is observed to be quite finite. A general conclusion from experimental results is that oscilltions of high frequency do not contribute their classical quota to the specific heat.

 As another illustration of the failure of classcal mechanics we may consider the behaviour of light. We have, on the one hand, the phaenomena of interference and diffraction, which can be explained only on the basis of a wave theory; on the other, phenomena such as photo- electric emission and scattering by free electrons, which show that light is composed of small particles.

(P.A.M.Dirac: The Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Fourth Edition, Oxford University Press, 1958 より)




