Entries from 2017-04-01 to 1 month

南日恒太郎著 神田乃武校閲『英文解釈法』

966. The more important of these advances in science and the arts are not the mere improvements upon, or extensions of, anything that had been done before, but are entirely new departures, arising out of our increasing knowledge of and com…

小林清一・安藤貞雄『作家別 英米現代文の新研究』 

小林清一・安藤貞雄の『作家別英米現代文の研究』は、よく出来ていると思う。[注][訳][研究]皆、学を伺うに足る。 HILAIRE BELLOC(1870-1953) At this season a sky which is of so delicate and faint a blue as to contain something of gentle mockery, a…


Whoever has to deal with young children learns that too much sympathy is a mistake. Children readily understand that an adult who is sometimes a little stern is best for them ; their instinct tells them whether they are loved or not , and …


シュヴァレーの類体論の講義を日本語訳したいと思います。類体論は、ヒルベルトから始まり、高木貞治により研究され、アルティンに受け継がれたとても大切な理論だと思います。 Introduction これらの講義の目的は、聴講者に類体論でコホモロジーの方法の使…