『ギリシア=ラテン講座』 プラトン=アリストテレス学会編 鐵塔書院 関口存男 ラテン語





 Haedus, stans in tecto domus, lupo praetereunti(1) maledixit. Cui(2) lupus, ,, Non tu, inquit(3) ,  ,, Sed tectum mihi maledicit.

 Saepe locus et tempus homines timidos audacis(4) reddit(5) .


[逐語訳] Haedus 牡山羊が domus 家の in tecto 屋根の上に ( tectum, i n. ) stans 立ちつつ lupo praetereunti 傍らを行く狼にmaledixit 悪態をついた. Cui これに (牡山羊に) lupus 狼が inquit [応えて] いった、Non tu お前ではなくSed tectum むしろ屋根が mihi 俺に maledicit 悪態をつくのだ.

 Saepe 往々にして locus et tempus 場所と時とが timidos homines 臆病な人間達をaudacis 大胆に reddit  なす.


[注]ー【1】praeter- は「側を」(ドイツ語の vorbei- ) の意味の前綴. -eunt- は eo ( 私が行く ) の現在分詞 (主格 iens. ). ー【2】現代語ならば ei (彼に) と指示代名詞又は人代名詞を用いるときに、ラテン語では前文との関係を密ならしめんが為に「関係代名詞」を用いる。その時は大抵文頭に置かれる. ー【3】inquam (私がいう) . ー【4】第三変化名詞複数 nom.acc. の語尾は-es だが、-is の形もある.ー【5】reddo ( 仏 rendre. 英 render ).







By  literature we mean the written thoughts and feelings of intelligent men and women arranged in a way which will give pleasure to the reader. Literature has to do, therefore, so far as its subject goes, with all the things about which we learn, and think and feel. As to its form, it has two large divisionsーone of which is called Prose Literature and the other Poeticsl Literature.



〔語訳〕By literature we mean ー 定義を述べる時のformula(決まり文句)の一つ。intelligent = endowed with faculty of understanding, with reasoning power.「理解力あるいは推理力を附与された」というのであるから要するに「知性のある」位の意味。arranged in a way ー 前にwhich are を補って考える。has to do with ー 関係を持つ。so far as its subject goes ー 主題に関する限り。so far as ~ goesも定まった言い方。as to = with reference to, concerning.





Germania omnis a Gallis Raetisque et Pannoniis


Germania ゲルマーニア(古代ドイツ)は omnis 全体的に a ~からは Gallis ガッリア人 Raetisque ラェテリア人 et ~とPannoniis パンノニア


Rheno et Danubio fluminibus,


Rheno  レーヌス et ~と Danubio ダーヌウィウス fluminibus 河によって 







南日恒太郎著 神田乃武校閲『英文解釈法』

966. The more important of these advances in science and the arts are not the mere improvements upon, or extensions of, anything that had been done before, but are entirely new departures, arising out of our increasing knowledge of and command over the forces of the universe.                                                        Wallace.



小林清一・安藤貞雄『作家別 英米現代文の新研究』 



 At this season a sky which is of so delicate and faint a blue as to contain something of gentle mockery, and certainly more of tenderness, presides at the fall of leaves. There is no air, no breath at all. The leaves are so light that they sildle on their going downward, hesitating in that which is not void to them, and touching at last so imperceptibly the earth with which they are to mingle, that the gesture is much gentler than a salutation, and even more discreet than a discreet than a discreet caress.

 They make a little sound, less than the least of sounds. No bird at night in the marshes rustles so slightly ; no man, though men are the subtlest of living beings, put so evanescent a stress upon their sacred whispers or their prayers. The leaves are hardly heard, but they are heard just so much that men also, who are destined at the end to grow glorious and to die, look up and hear them falling.

            ーHills and the Sea(1906)

 [注] this season , i.e. autumn. containの目的語は ″something″と ″more″. presides at the fall of leaves 「落葉を司っている高い空」が「落葉」を眺め下ろしている様を議長等が上座で司会しているのに譬えたもの。Cf. ″preside at a meeting″(会を司会する) air =breeze, light wind. breath=light current of air. 「風のそよぎ」sidle「斜行する、にじり進む」on their going downward=as they go dowrd. ″going″は動名詞で、″downward″はそれにかかる副詞。that which is not void to them「木の葉にとっては虚ではないもの」とは「空中」のこと。つまり、空中は、人間にこそ空虚かも知れないが、落葉にとっては、あたかも魚が水の中を泳ぎ、人間が道を行くようなもの、という理屈。″that which″=what.″void″=empty, vacant. and touching=and they touch. imperceptibly「それと知れぬほどそっと」<'perceive'(知覚する) the earth with which they are to mingle「木の葉と一緒になることになっている大地」'mingle with'は、ただ、「混じる」というよりも、木の葉と大地が擬人化されていて、「付き合う、交際する」という気持ち。'be+to-Infinitive'は、ここでは″予定″を表す。Ex.‘ We are to meet at six. ’(6時に集まることになっている。)salutation「会釈」<‘salute’(に挨拶をする) and [is] even more..."even"=still, yet.比較級を強める。discreet「(行動・言葉が)慎重な」>‘discretion’(慎重) caress「愛撫」